ご注意:以下の受賞履歴は、デューカスコピー・ジャパンの親会社であるDukascopy Bank SAの受賞履歴となります。
Dukascopy Bank
2018Best Platform & ToolsForexBrokers.com
2018Best Mobile TradingForexBrokers.com
2018Best Forex BankChina (Shenzhen) Forex Expo
2018Best Forex
ECN/STP BrokerLondon Forex Show -
2017Best Provider
of LiquidityIAFT Awards -
2016Best Global Professional
Trading PlatformChina (Shenzhen) Forex Expo -
2016Best Forex
BankForex Stars -
2015Best PAMM service
brokerForex Expo 2015 -
2015Binary options broker
of the yearFxCuffs 2015, Poland -
2015The Best FOREX
BrandChina Financial Investment EXPO -
2014Best Forex
BankMENA 13th Forex Show, Dubai -
2014Best Forex Broker
in UkraineForex Expo 2014 -
2013Best Global Forex
BankMENA 12th Forex Show, Dubai -
2013Biggest Forex Retail
BrokerMENA 11th Forex Show, Dubai -
2012FINEXPO ShenzhenFINEXPO Shenzhen
2012Forex Bank
of the yearFinancial World Awards, Moscow -
2011Most Social
WebsiteSocial Forex Awards -
2011Best Online
ContentSocial Forex Awards -
2011Broker of the
yearForexExpo, Moscow -
2011Best FX trading
conditionsFinancial Super Market, Moscow -
2010Best Forex Broker
in EuropeForex Expo
営業時間 9:00-17:00 (土日祝日を除く)
営業時間 9:00-17:00 (土日祝日を除く)